If you are a publishers then you would always be looking for an ads network that pays well for the efforts you put in your website. I am using Google Adsense on all my websites because its simply the best Ads network exist for small to large publishers. Along with Adsense, i thought of trying in-text ads from Kontera in order to make few extra bucks. Now I am saying bye-bye to Kontera because it was the worst perfomer for my sites. First I want to show you my Kontera earnings of last 6 months, then i will talk about Infolinks, the ads network of my choice.

This was my earnings for the period (7/7/2009 to 12/10/2009). Now you can imagine how poor the performance of Kontera is. To get the minimum payout which is $100, i guess it will take another 7 months. $100 in a year with Kontera when the average impression is 3K-4K/day.
Leaving behind the Kontera, Lets talk about Infolinks. What Infolinks says about self is-
Infolinks presents the next generation of In-Text Advertising, leading the industry with the most relevant in-text advertising links and the highest revenue share - guaranteed.When I got to know about Infolinks, I thought of giving it a try on my website. I removed the Kontera on one of my site and put Infolinks there and you would not believe that Infolinks from the very first day, paying me much-2 more than what Kontera. The points i noticed after applying Infolinks on my site were-
- Speed of Site: Kontera was making my site slow while with Infolinks my pages were loading much faster.
- Nunber of Ads Impressions: Since both Kontera and Infolinks are in-text ads, so i would expect both of them to have more or less same number of ad impressions but the ad impressions with Kontera was way too less than Infolinks.
- Earnings: After applying Infolinks, I realized that i was earning pennies with Kontera. Infolinks is converting 5-6 times better than Kontera. The following image will show my Infolinks earning of about less than 15 days.

This was my earnings for the period (07/12/2009 to 18/12/2009). As you can see i have earned $21.37 in just 12 days and according to this average, I would accumlate around $320 in six months, 7x of my Kontera earnings.
I guess it is enough for you to decide between Kontera and Infolinks. So Bye-bye Kontera and welcome Infolinks.
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