Twitter becomes very popular in very short time. Twitter has Alexa rank 575 in United States and it's in the list of high traffic websites. Below is a snapshot of Twitter reach from Alexa.
As you can see from above image, Twitter is one of highest traffic website on the internet. How can you take advantage of such a high traffic of Twitter?
In this post, i will explain how can you use Twitter to promote your blog or website in order to get tons of free referral traffic. In order to effectively use Twitter for your blog promotion, now we will talk about Twitterfeed.

Twitterfeed is an independent service and it is not affiliated with Twitter. If you are a valid Twitter user, you can use Twitterfeed service to send the RSS feed of your blog or website to Twitter as tweets. Twitterfeed provide you a place to manage all your blogs feed. You can also set the frequency of checking your blog for latest updates.
Each time you will post in your blog. The reference to that latest entry will be available to all your followers in Twitter as your latest update on Twitter. You can post up to 5 new updates each time.
You can also prefix each tweet with a word, which is max 20 characters in length. You can shorten your links through TinyURL, Tweetburner or SnipURL.
All you have to do is add more and more followers and your updates will be available to these followers at the earliest. Many popular websites are providing their latest updates through Twitter to all its users and Twitterfeed is the way to achieve this.
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