Backlink Definition:
Backlinks are those links that point to your website or webpage. For Example:- If i write a blog post and other webmasters find it useful. They will link back to my post in their blog and website.
The other terms for backlinks are incoming links, inbound links, inlinks, and inward links.
Backlink Usage:
Backlinks are very important in SEO(Search Engine Optimization). Backlink is very important factor to measure the popularity or importance of a website or webpage. Search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN and others give much importance to backlinks. Baclinks can increase your web traffic from search engines as well as from referrals.
Backlink Tips:
1:-To increase the Google page rank of your website, try to get backlinks from high PR websites.
2:-Submit articles to directories to get backlinks. Article Submission is very effective way to get backlinks.
3:-Regular commenting on popular websites can help you to build backlinks.
4:-Submit your blog or website URL to free directories to get backlinks. You will find many free directories on internet with high PR.
5:-Social Netowrking and Social Bookmarking can bring you good amount of backlinks.
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